
Schools & Health Professionals

School Fundraising

Auction items for School Fundraisers

We offer screenings as part of auction and fundraising events for schools and other non profit organizations.

There are no fees to either the organization or bidding winners at all. Simply contact us and we will provide you with all the information for brochures and table displays.

School Screenings

Preschool through High School

Our team can quickly and accurately determine which children are developing speech & language in typical time frames and which children are at risk for falling further behind or struggling without further testing or intervention.

We make the entire process easy and simple for both school staff and parents, by providing all the forms necessary and delivering useful information about each student.

We come to your setting and arrange so that the screenings are fun for the children and quick and efficient enough so that no one misses any lessons being taught.

Clinics & Health Professionals

Join our network of professionals

We value and take great pride in forming collaborative and multidisciplinary relationships with other professionals in the area.

Please contact us for a meeting with your staff where we can give you customized information about our services and offer free materials to pass on to your patients.

In-Staff Training & Parent Discussions

Let us share our knowledge and passion

We share our knowledge & passion for all things SPEECH with your teachers, staff, and parents. Past in-service topics have included:

  • Communication Red Flags and what to do about them
  • Multi-language Learners
  • Q and A
  • Sensory Integration Dysfunction
  • Classroom and Home Strategies for Kids with Executive Skills Dysfuntion
  • How to help students with ADD, ADHD, and Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • How to start a lunch bunch program
  • How to turn your school into a sensory-rich environment